Epidemiology Elevated: Revitalizing Web Presence with Cutting-Edge Tech

Epidemiologic Research & Methods, LLC reached out to have their website rebuilt from the ground up, using the latest and greatest web development technology: NextJS, Vercel, and Contentful.

Epidemiology Research & Methods, LLC needed a website refresh, as the company was going and the technology they were using was growing outdated.

I started with a skeleton of the website, including a lot of static placeholder content. This version of the website was built using NextJS as the main framework, with Material UI as a component library. Material UI helped me to create the site's foundation quickly, without having to worry about styling every component individually.

The first version of the website that was built for ERM.

As the site grew, I implemented Contentful as an editable backend for the website. Contentful is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to edit a website's content without updating code. It's how I'm editing this block of text on the site you're browsing now!

Once Contentful was fully implemented, I added the key stakeholders at ERM so that they could update the content to their liking. After rounds of changes to the design and updates to the content, we had a final version of the site!

The final (current) version of the ERM website.

You can check out the live version of the site here: https://www.epidemiologymethods.com/

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